Ruby Corundum helps you process information. In today’s tumultuous times, it’s a serious superpower to be crystal clear on your intentions. The blue ray of the sapphire element and the red ray of the ruby harmonizes your energy and puts you into alignment, resulting in more confident, more sure, more positive ways to move in the world.
This crystal becomes even more magical when you shine a UV flashlight on its surface! The ultraviolet fluorescence in each Ruby Corundumcrystal can be easily seen and adds an extra level of otherworldly beauty and energetic possibility. The reason this, and other fluorescent crystals, can glow is due to their particular chemical compositions - if they have certain "activators" - this usually means a high concentration of calcite or fluorescent feldspar.
If you feel a deep-rooted need to go deep with your energy work and uncover hidden meanings, memories, and vibrations, grab a UV flashlight and see all the unique illuminations within your raw Ruby Corundum crystal! Shine a light and get really clear on what your soul needs at a core level.